Monday, April 14, 2008



Margie: Edna, you said this shooting pool is good exercise so you'd show me how to play. Why are you saying I owe you $100?

Edna: Margie, didn't I tell you about the teaching fee? You really should turn up your hearing aid, you old bat. Now, let's go down to Bailey's so I can collect more...teaching fees.


HotMomma said...

This is a very fun blog to read! Thanks for dropping by my site. Otherwise, I would not have been able to discover this gem of a site.

Lynne said...

I think it's only fair that she charge a "teaching fee"! LOL

Margie and Edna said...

Edna here. Ladies, thank you so much for coming to visit our little blog, we do love having company! Especially such well-mannered visitors. :)

hotmomma, you are very sweet to pay such a nice compliment to our blog, dear. It's a gem because of me, my silly sister had nothing to do with it. Don't let her tell you differently.

lynne, you're absolutely right. It's not my fault that everyone who plays pool with me loses and ends up having to pay a "teaching fee". (I think "pool teacher" is a much nicer thing to say than "pool hustler," don't you?)

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