Thursday, February 11, 2010

One Million Acts of Kindness


Edna: Margie, I think you're going to like this story I found in the newspaper today. This man travels around the country in a bus with his little dog, encouraging people to do one million acts of kindness in their lifetime. Isn't that a wonderful idea?

Margie: How sweet! I love Bogart. I bet he's a great companion. Maybe they'll come through Jericho one day. Edna, does this mean you want to do a kind act for someone?

Edna: Despite what you think, Margie, I am a kind soul. And even though this is One Million Acts of Kindness week, I try to do something kind every day, all the year round. Even if it's something small like waving to the shut-in next door when I go out to get the mail, I've found that even the smallest act of kindness can transform someone's day.

But I suppose you had something more specific in mind?

Margie: Edna, I'd like to watch you do a kind act tomorrow. Can't say that's something I've ever seen.

Edna: Margie, the kindest thing I can do right this moment is not to say what I'm really thinking.


RNSANE said...

How about being so kind as to tell me what is in that tea?

Grampys World said...

I think that was a very kind act you just did Edna. I am sure Margie would not have liked to hear what you were thinking.

Joanne Olivieri said...

You two are hilarious. And, something as innocent as a smile can go a long way in being kind to someone.

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Is this million acts of kindness meant for ONE person to do? Or a million people?

You girls are crazy!

Margie and Edna said...

Edna: I do believe the concept is that one person can do one million acts of kindness during the span of their lifetime if they put their mind to it. I imagine you'd have to count even the tiniest little kindnesses too, otherwise you'd best hope you live a good long time to do all one million before you die! ;)

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