Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summertime TV Blues

Edna: Margie, I tell you what, I hate this time of year when our regular TV shows go on summer hiatus. We have to wait on pins and needles all summer, wondering how the story is going to take up where it left off. But it also leaves us with a lot of extra time on our hands over the summer months.

I don't want to sit around staring at your pruney face all summer, so I'm going to pick a few summer TV shows to watch instead. What do you think?

Margie: I think you're a dingbat and you talk too much while I'm watching TV. I did watch that new makeover show last night. It's about weight loss. That trainer, Chris Powell, made my eyes pop out but I wasn't pleased to learn that the girl was only losing weight to have that surgery. I thought she'd lose the weight all on her own.

I'm going to be watching Persons Unknown on NBC.  It's about about strangers coming together to solve the puzzle of their lives. Guess who is the puzzle of my life, sister?

Edna: It's nice to hear you acknowledge that I am mysterious and an enigma. You, however, are an open book...the kind you want to give away to Goodwill after reading the first few pages.

You know, I'm really looking forward to Falling Skies on TNT (Sunday June 19 at 9PM EST). It's about aliens, which should be good and scary. It also has that nice young man from ER, although he looks a lot scruffier in this show.

Mr. Noah "Scruffy" Wyle

Edna:  When I want a laugh, I'm going to watch Necessary Roughness on USA (Wednesday June 29 at 10PM EST). It's about a psychologist and a bunch of young football players in tight pants. That sounds like it might be up your alley, Margie.

Margie: Edna, I hope the skies fall on your big head. I'll watch those football players while you go to the psychologist.

Edna:  Margie, I think you're the one who needs a psychologist.  I just checked the interwebs and that Persons Unknown show you want to watch was on LAST summer, and it was canceled!  I swan, you're either off your meds or you've been tippling again.  

Margie:  Speaking of Necessary Roughness I think it's time for me to go oil my pistol.

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